Saturday, April 25, 2015

This crisis has shown clearly that EU government is corrupt to the core being run by Merkel/Germany by diktat and appointing tax cheating Junker to high office. The EU is clearly nothing more than a service agency there to help the oligarchs and the corporations they own accumulate more wealth and power.  It's apt that The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf is thought to have its origins in Greece - as the present lot there seem to be quite adept at doing the same thing.  In a few days' time the Greeks are due to refund more than a billion Euros' worth of short-term bonds and then, very soon afterwards, give 80 million Euros to the ECB for an interest payment. Now seems a very good time to, once again, throw up the hands and wail, "Oh you nasty, nasty people! How dare you expect us to pay back the money we agreed to borrow."  Of course it's all theatre - Kabuki, really. The Great Fraud of Europe will no more kick Greece out of the club than Greece will volunteer to go. The first one daren't acknowledge that it's possible to leave and the second one couldn't find a more willing bunch of suckers anywhere else...IMF chief Christine Lagarde is being influenced/controlled by her French financial connects. (France and Germany are the key players of the EU.)  The IMF has formed a pact with the EU and ECB instead if being the independent organisation that it was meant to be. The IMF is not making independent rational decisions.  The IMF/Greek fiasco has destroyed the credibility of the IMF as a responsible lender of finances to nations having financial problems.The IMF must be disbanded. It no longer is a responsible organization. YESSS...April 17th could have been a good bet for a selective default (leave it till about 4pm for maximum damage) on the 194 euros owed to the ECB for interest payment. Friday evening.... close down the Bank of Greece. EU cannot enforce a payment against a bank that does not exist. Target2 goes pear-shaped. Without Target2 EZ would be finished as a union. The hedgies attack the following Monday.

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