Sunday, February 1, 2015

Greeks are threatened by the ultra-corrupt and greedy EU Commission - that if they DARE to retrieve their democracy from the slimy coils of the EU's French and German Banks - they will all starve to death. Germany can bark all they want, but the EU will fold in the end rather than absorb a Greek exit. The EU may have moved on, but the economic consequences of Grexit would still be severe and it would fuel anti-euro, and more particularly anti-German, sentiment in other states suffering through austerity. Spain goes to the polls in December, at the latest, and it's been almost two years since the last Italian elections so we can expect one any day now. Germany's problem is that they tied their fate to a cluster of incredibly corrupt and dysfunctional nations in the arrogant hope that their much-lauded efficiency would somehow rub off on their neighbours. Now they're in the uncomfortable position of either paying the bills or destroying their own economy and everybody knows it.  That is the EU's bottom line. However, if one looks at life in Greece for most of its people TODAY - at the soup kitchen queues going round the block, at the hungry children, at pensioners dying of starvation - at the nearly 60% joblessness of the young - there is NO HOPE!
Going it alone - IS a MUCH better alternative.
Greece could be back to prosperity in 10 years.
If Greece stays with the EU and its toxic euro - in 20 years time - Greece will be in a worse position than now.  Schauble and his thugs paint their own picture.  Matthe talks of 'Punishment".
The EU and the euro is a dirty stain on the history of the nations of Europe and it will go

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