Monday, November 7, 2011

Italy - Another country destroyed by the EU fantasy (in fact hitler's dream). Truth is Italy is not bust . It is the euro which is causing all the problems, Italians as individuals are wealthy. So to whom do they owe so much money ? This whole fiasco is a nonsense and I bet someone is getting very rich off the back of this non-existent default. As usual, the wealthy will be untouched . It is the PAYE taxpayers and pensioners who will be hardest hit.I do not know if politicians are even aware of the enormity of their world ! for they walk into their seat in their parliament nowadays straight from university, rarely from a work arena.... and they have legions of civil servants to teach them the ropes so what is a parliamentary MP but a mouth piece a celebrity face... ...I believe Lee kwan Yew was a true hands on politician,a peoples politician a true honest disciplinarian who knew human nature much better than many of the people today actually do! Far sighted intelligent and generous man who had a plan and saw it into fruition! Europe has no such leadership, only it seems our appeasing the minority with a gripe! Instead of serving the majority who enable a way of life....Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy should never have gone into the Euro, nor Ireland. Only Germany, France and the UK could make it work and who needs a 'Euro' anyway. There is not one single benefit to anyone . Businessmen say it works because currency fluctuations work against. They forgot they also work for them. If our goods are not competitive because of exchange rates, then manufacture them in the countries where you want to sell to. Did Waterford crystal do well out of the Euro ? Or Woolworths ? Good businesses got along just fine for hundreds of years without the Euro !


Anonymous said...

I am, by no means, an international monetary expert.

However, from when the Euro was conceived and then launched, without some "iron clad" form of central fiscal control, this situation was bound to happen!

Thank god that we were thrown out of the ERM - if not we could have been dragged in even more than we are being currently.

Just imagine what Brown/Darling could have borrowed with the (perceived) strength of the Euro behind them!

It does not even bear thinking about!!

Anonymous said...

Yep it really is too bad. The newspapers have set deadlines and these darned politicians have just missed them. Darn it, who do they think they are. I mean, the pornographer who runs the express -- surely deserves some respect, right?

boss said...

Well, UK with his own curency is not in better shpae than Italy. Check yours facts.

What they pay with austerity measures you will pay in lower standards of life because your inflation is high and out of control.

In the next years you will see who is wrong and right. Now, its a circus. XDDD

shoshon said...

There is nothing wrong with the way Italy and Greece managed their respective economies if they had kept their own currencies.

The idea that the Euro would turn Club Med Germanic is now totally discredited.

Germany is the only real winner and the austerity program imposed from outside to save the Euro is likely to permanently damage the southern economies.

This is not over.

The government should invest billions helping UK companies find new markets outside the EU as we have no say or control over this monster

boby said...

Singapore doesn't pay out billions in benefits to lazy sods, or take the world's refugees in and house and feed them for life and it does not have an open door policy for anyone from 26 other countries to enter as they please and start claiming benefits, which they then send out of the country.

It doesnt' pay millions a day into a corrupt organisation like the EU, or UN or pay out billions in foreign foreign aid.

If we behave in a similar vein to Singapore we would be rich beyond our wildest dreams.

Just spend British taxpayer's money on British taxpayers (the ones that work, that is).

titus said...

30 days to save the euro

(remember its external debt that counts
Spain has an external debt/gdp ratio of 170 pct
its bust in emu

goodbye PIIGS and France

Signed 8k

from the land of the meer cats

gov... said...

we are only a few steps away from another full blown war against iran as the corporations and multinationals have sent a clear message to the puppets in washington and downing street that only another war and another invasion will save the economy . iran just like iraq and others will be attacked and then looted and plundered at the taxpayers expense and the corporations will rake the benefits ! this is the new world order !

mec said...

I wonder who will be after Greece and Italy. It looks like the start of a nonstop credit crunch and increasing unemployment for Europe